Saturday, March 10, 2012

Support's been a long while since I've been here!

I am trying to get back to sharing my thoughts here.  After all, that is the point of a blog, right?  Two of my followers have inquired about my absence here and when will they read an update.  My response has been the same, 'I have a lot going on, being lazy, or I just haven't been in the mood to write, etc.'.  Mainly, I've been in the doldrums and desperately trying to get out.

For me, getting back to taking care of myself, is key to getting out of the doldrums.  What that means in a simple word? EXERCISE!  I feel 1000 times better when I exercise.  I also feel better when I speak about my struggles and what is going on that has caused me to not take care of myself.  The culprit mainly has been work, but also some recent health concerns that have come about.

I've been talking to my main supporter, my mom, but I have so many others in my corner and providing me with the support I need.  I'm very appreciative to have the love and support of them who quickly recognize when I am not my 'normal' self. 

I am happy to say that I am working on both culprits and that I am getting back on track with exercising, eating right, and feeling better about myself.

I don't know the final outcome of my recent health concerns, yet, but I am sure all will be well.  The main thing is, I get back on track and take care of me.

I am back to exercising: yoga at Hotbox Yoga, I recently committed to walking with my new buddy from Black Girls Run group member on Tuesdays, and I started going back to zumba classes.  The most important thing, I'm looking into nutritional counseling to learn tips to eat better and/or have better food combinations.  I hope to update on this item, really soon. 

All in all...things are going to be okay and I thank you all for your support.

I love you!
Juvella, J, Belle, Bobo 

1 comment:

  1. Yayay!! Love that you're back writing. More, more, more!

