Sunday, December 16, 2012

The New Workout

Since I broke my ankle, one of many concerns I had was working out and maintaining a healthy and physical lifestyle.  I had already decided to cancel my Weight Watchers program, but in my head, I had decided to keep the healthy eating going.

I hadn't been cooking much at home, mostly because I wasn't staying at home.  I found myself eating a lot of fruit, fish, sandwiches, and Mexican food.  And with starting a new job, I am busy all day.  I noticed it takes me 2-3 hours to eat my breakfast of yogurt, fruit, and granola. Before I know it, LUNCH TIME!

My mom and bestie had been commenting on how I appeared to be losing weight as my clothes were beginning to fall off of me.  I began to notice, too.  I am now able to wear clothes I haven't been able to for more than 5 years or they fit much better. 

This past week, I've been standing on both feet more and decided to see if I could stand on the scale to weigh myself.  And sure enough...I've lost 10 lbs!  I was seriously shocked!  My bestie kept telling me, 'I told you, you're losing weight. Your clothes are so loose, now'. 

I can't even lie...I was pretty dang excited.

But, I guess one would shed a few LBS if you lifted yourself in/out of the tub daily, hopped on one foot up and down stairs daily, scooted along on one leg daily, eat less daily.  Everyday has been a workout and a challenge that I've overcome, daily.  I am reminded how thankful I am for the abilities I do have and for the tools and people who help me...daily. 


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