Friday, August 9, 2013

One year ago, today...

A decision that I prayed about for 5 years or so happened.  I can say what a difference a year makes.  You see, I evicted my uterus this day in 2012.  In fact, about this time I was being wheeled out of recovery to my room with my mom, friend, and now her man waiting for me.  I asked for my phone and had loving text messages and verbal messages from many who called my mom.  Mom let me know that between my sister and bff there were probably 1000 phone calls.  They were definitely my first calls.  I also got a call from another friend who prayed for me on the spot as I failed to tell her about my surgery.  By the way...talking on the phone whiled heavly medicated is not a good idea.  I' m just sayin

This operation was truly a quality of life experience for the better.  I feel as if my moods are pretty even, I don't feel tired or lethargic much, and I no longer endure headaches or cramps.  The best more wearing of diaper sized pads!

I couldn't be more happier about this decision and can't wait to share the news with Dr.  Jacoby when I see her next month.  I have a feeling she might ask me to see a regular gyno doc since my uterus is no longer 'special'.  I insisted on seeing her one year post-op.  I thank God daily for putting this decision in my heart when He knew I was ready to receive it.    And I thank God for my amazing family and friends who cared and checked on me.

I am one Blessed lady!

1 comment:

  1. I love talking to you when you're heavily medicated!! I kid ;) Congratulations! Your courageous and strength inspire me everyday xoxo
