Sunday, June 3, 2012

Volunteering: See Jane Run

As previously stated, I've completed a few marathons.  Aside from training, there is no way I could finish without the support of the many volunteers who are out on the course supporting the runners and walkers.  They cheer, yell out, 'you can do it', 'you're almost there', 'great job', 'thank you', and the best of all, they give high-fives.

After the Oakland Running Festival 5k, I decided I would pay it forward.  I signed up to volunteer at the See Jane Run 5k & Half Marathon event.  I didn't know what task I would be assigned or what actually it would involve, but I knew I could give high-fives and cheer on the runners and walkers.

Once I received email notifications from See Jane Run, I elected to pass out medals to the 5k finishers.  I was very excited for this task because it meant I would see the immediate reactions of the finishers.

Today is the day: I arrive early and ready to report for duty.  There were some challenges at the event (mainly, the event organizers weren't all that prepared) that caused some frustration on my part, but I quickly let it go.  Once we finally received our direction, us volunteers quickly went into action to get medals ready to be given out to the finishers.

What a great moment.  Cheering the finishers on, handing out their medals, and telling them, 'great job' or 'congratulations'.  I saw lots of tears of happiness, ladies cart-wheeling across the finish line, limping in pain, and even puking!  All I could think about is, 'what do I look like when I finish?'

See Jane event was also a very 'kid' friendly and stroller event!  It was so cool seeing all the kids running, some with their parents.  They were excited to pick up their medals, too.  What a great way to encourage health and fitness at such a young age. 

The best part of being at the finish line?  Watching my mom cross the finish line and giving her her medal.  She usually is waiting for me. Also, I learned this was her 28th marathon finish!  WOW, mom!!  You GO!! 

Mom crossing the finish line for the 28th time!

me about to give mom her medal

Divas Marathon

On Sunday, May 6th, 2011, I completed my 9th half marathon.  The weather was a bit warm for my liking, but overall, it was a great course.  Besides, See Jane Run event, this was the flattest course I've done.

This was also the first event I rocked my Black Girls Run! 'Preserve the sexy' shirt, too.  I got lots of inquiries and compliments!  Best of all, Divas were everywhere!!!

Diva Expo

Diva Juvella getting ready

Lots of Divas getting ready to start!
More waiting

This Black Girl Walks! 
The ATL: BGR! motto!

The Bling!