Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mom's 60th birthday! She is the very reason this blog began. I wanted to document my training experience with her as she set out to train me to run a 1/2 marathon before my 40th birthday.

Mom inspired and told me, 'yes you can complete a full marathon'. A full marathon is 26.2 miles. Mom told me she would be there at the finish when I was done. And so, mom has met met at all of the full and 1/2 marathon's I've completed.

Thanks mom for being my biggest cheerleader, role model, and inspiration to stay fit and healthy.

Happy Birthday!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Giving Yoga a try... again

I'll always try a workout at least once. I've tried yoga about 3 times. All of those experiences haven't been the best for me. I guess I'm a sucker to keep returning to something I've not enjoyed or was successful at.

Yoga on the Labyrinth at Grace Cathedral gave me a new perspective and a reason to say, ' I'm glad I tried yoga, again'. My two co-workers have been going to Yoga on the Labyrinth for a while now and have invited me to go with them. For one reason or another, I've declined the invite, but I've always asked that they light a candle and say a prayer for me.

This past Tuesday, I gave Yoga on the Labyrinth a try and I'm so glad I did. I had the most wonderful experience from start to finish. The instructor, Darren asked the class if their were newbies, of course I raised my hand. His voice was very gentle and kind. He welcomed me, thanked my friends who invited me, and than he introduced me to a 'helper', Laurel. She would walk around to check on me, show me alternative poses, or help me get into poses.

The session begins with a live harpist and vocalist as Darren reads a mediation, which was an excerpt of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech on the night of his assassination. Afterward, he asks us all to take in a deep breath and let it out, saying, 'OHM'. I felt weird, so I didn't do that, but I did let out the deep breath. As the session continued, Darren took us through downward dog, warrior poses, child's pose, table top, etc. I was comfortable moving from one position to the next with Laurel coming by to ease me into the pose. At times, I would just stay in child's pose.

It was comfortable there. I lay still and listen to my own breath.

The session concludes with Darren reading the same MLK excerpt. Here we are practicing yoga in a Christian Church with people of all ethnic backgrounds and religious practices, but at the end of the day, we're all looking for our mountain top of peace.

To my co-workers, thank you for inviting me to such a wonderful experience. I am so glad I was able to give yoga another try.

And, I was able to light my own candle and say my own prayer.

Namaste and Amen.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting fit to stay fit

Happy New Year!

With the new year, everyone sets out to lose weight, eat better, quit smoking, etc. and blah-blah-blah.

Everyday for me, I set out to get fit and eat healthy because I know it makes me feel better in general, but about myself, too. It's not easy because at times, it is a struggle to do both.

Thanks to Facebook, I've reconnected with many grammar school mates, one of whom posted her road to a healthier life/weight loss journey with frequent updates, Sharon Jones Steele. Sharon and I have some fitness activities in common, but I found her to be a bit more daring than me. She's about crazy long bike rides and muddy buddy runs.

What especially caught my eye was Sharon's post about becoming certified to teach Zumba classes. I had heard of Zumba, but hadn't tried it. I'm always down to try new fitness activities to keep me motivated and to stay on the healthy trail. I mentioned to Sharon that once she had a class going to let me know and I would be there. She kept her word and I kept my word.

She subbed at a gym where I'm not a member, but I told her I would go, so I paid the non-member fee and took her Zumba class. I think it was one of her first classes, too. I was bitten by the Zumba bug! I had soooooo much fun! I told Sharon to keep me posted on her classes and she had at least one student in class, ME!

I've attended all, but one of Sharon's classes, to date. She tells others in her classes upon introduction that she can always count on me to show up for class. Sharon thanks me for attending. I thank HER for hosting the class. I let her know that our relationship is mutual. Her class is getting me fit to stay fit!

Whatever your New Year plan is, make sure you add something to maintain a healthy life and whatever that is, have fun doing it!

Sharon, I thank you for getting me out on the Zumba floor!

If you want to bring the Zumba party to your work outs, find classes with Sharon, or a Zumba class in your area visit and click, 'find an instructor' or 'find a classs'.