Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

A conversation with my mom about Mother's Day.

me: mom, what do want to do for Mother's Day?
mom: oh, I don't know. We can do the C.O.P.S. run, I will see my grand-angels, and Rockwall  Winery for Mother Trucker.
me: okay, that sounds good and easy.

So mom got exactly what she wanted and had a great time!

Happy Mother's Day, mom.  I love you!

For information about C.O.PS., visit

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Divas = Mission Accomplished!

Today, I completed my 2nd post-op 5k, Divas.  It was another accomplishment I was happy to complete, but this one came with so much more.  This event was an official BGR event.  I had the opportunity to meet and chat with many BGR sisters this weekend from my local group and beyond.  The ladies are so encouraging and inspiring.  It really was a feeling I can't really articulate.  But just know it was good!

I was glad that I saw my bff at the finish and my mom, too!

I learned something new in over hearing a conversation mom was having with the ladies of Sacramento BGR; this was her 34th half marathon finish.  It is because of mom that I became a marathon girl.  She really is inspiring, encouraging, and full of love when talking about running and training.  I hear often how much the ladies love momma-Sandra.  All I can do is nod in agreement.  So thank you, mom for inspiring me to do marathons and always being there at the finish!  And for being Queen Diva #1!!