Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day, mom!

How does a child thank the woman who gave you life? I mean, my mom labored for 36 hours to bring me into this world! She doesn't let me forget this fact, either!  I'm not sure how one can love another who caused me so much grief and pain. It's something I wonder about at times.  Growing up, mom taught all of her children to be good people, live our lives well, and to be honest. 

Today, I think it dawned on me how to say thank you to my mom for being my mom, but also for teaching me how to be the woman I am.  Here are a few thoughts that came to mind:

Be a kind person. Sounds easy, right? Even when you don't like another person still be kind. You never know what the person is going through. Your positive behavior and/or response just might turn things around.

Give back to others. Mom says when you have, you give. There is always someone out there less fortunate than you. This isn't always a monetary act of giving.

Always do your best.  No matter what.

These are but a few items that popped into my mind as I pondered a way to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day.

More than anything, I simply wanted to acknowledge my mom and thank her for being a loving, kind, HELLA funny and generous woman. She's always had her mom game up, but for me, during the last 6-8 months her game has been on full-tilt! Always encouraging.  Always reminding me to believe in God and His works. Always reminding me to enjoy the time off I had.

Mom, thank you! Thank you for all that you've done and for the things you have yet to do. Have an amazing Mother's Day today and everyday! I love you more than these words could ever express.

(yup, this is what mom calls me)