Thursday, June 27, 2013

Healthy Checks: Overdue!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! No, not the holidays, but for my check ups.  Only, I am way overdue with my appointments.  Admittedly, I have been so filled with ankle appointments, that I am simply over making the time and taking the time off of work to go.  I know I need my eyes checked.  I am pretty sure there have been changes in my vision.  I am way past my annual 'lady-girl' check, and I think I am nearing my annual physical appointment.  It is imperative that I see my internist to get the lump on my thyroid checked. It might just be my imagination, but it looks as if that lump has changed in size.  Thankfully, my boobs don't have to be mashed until October, so I am not overdue with this appointment.

My plan:  make my appointments! I may even take the day off to do so.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Today was the day I caught up with many of my guy friends, who are also father's.  It was great to hear what they had planned for the day.  Many of them worked.  I reached out to my dad, today.  We don't talk often, but I wanted him to know he was thought of today.  I know he was happy to hear from me.

To all the dads near and far, Happy  Father's Day!