Monday, July 9, 2018

Rest, Relax, Remove dark circles

See my freckles 
 The last few days have been nothing short of wonderful.  My best friend (Bobo) opted to celebrate her birthday in Palm Springs. During a conversation months ago, about what are you doing for your birthday turned into an okay, come with and let's go! She's hella pushy that way and I LOVE her for it!! 

We had an awesome time reconnecting, reminiscing of our travels past, and sharing destinations yet traveled.  We laughed, ate, and drank (not a lot, though).

More importantly, we rested. I noticed for myself the once dark circles surrounding my eyes were no longer present. It took sending a selfie to my mom to check out my newly discovered freckles that I noticed. 
Bobo asked me what am I now going to do to keep the dark circles away and 

how  much sleep I get each night. **Blank stare** I'm going to put to practice of creating bedtime rituals to ensure restful sleep. My therapist recommended '101 Mindful ways to Build Resilience' to learn coping mechanisms during stressful situations.  I've read a few pages, but creating bedtime rituals is a page I've read numerous times, but have yet to put to practice. After this week along with Bobo providing a few tips to ensure I get plenty of rest at night, as well, (i.e. turn off my phone, log off social, read instead of watch t.v, etc), I'm going to give it another shot because I do enjoy my face sans dark circles under my eyes. 

Wish me luck!

I'm thankful for the celebration of Bobo. I'm thankful for the time spent, laughs, and most of all, REST!