Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finding the beauty in my own back yard

Today, I decided to take a walk on the property where I live.  I'm so glad I did!  It provided a great workout, not that I didn't think it would.  Where I live, it provides flat ground surface, rolling hills, and stairs.  It also provides nature sounds.  I listened to the birds sing, bugs buzz, and the squirrels make the sound they make...kinda like a sneaky laughing sound.  Those squirrels aren't scared of people, either.  One was in my path and it looked at me and 'told' me to move!

This property walk also allowed me to tour my complex.  I discovered some villas are 3-floors and not 2-floors like my villa.  I discovered there are mini-dog parks. I also discovered that some units have the most amazing views of the city.  I want to be-friend those neighbors so I can check out the view at night from their balcony.  I also, just want to get to know the neighbors from other villas....I will for sure be doing this property walk, again. I live in such a beautiful place.         

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Own your sexy!

It's no secret...I'm a plus-size girl.  I work out to maintain good health, stay fit, and to bring my sexier back!  You see, I know I'm sexy, I work out to make it better!

I've had conversations with sista-friends who don't feel the same way about themselves.  Especially when working out.  Many say, they don't like how their body feels when they're moving, they can feel the jiggle, their boobs are too big.  I tell them bull crap!  Those are excuses in my book.  'You won't jiggle so much if you work out', is what I usually say.  But I also tell them, 'Hell...I know exactly how you feel.  I can feel my jiggle, too, just not as much anymore!'  The other favorite excuse I hear- My boobs are too big.  My response, 'Buy a better sports bra or wear two sports bras!'.

Women with larger breasts have to be sure they are wearing a proper bra or bras to keep the girls in check when running or doing aerobic activity.  That would be terrible to be knocked unconscious by boobs!  The more you work out, the quicker you will wiggle that jiggle away. 

My point...feel good about yourself, make improvements to feel better about yourself, what ever that is to you.

40th birthday celebration in Hawaii
Lastly, tell yourself you are sexy!     

My favorite places to buy sports bras:

Additional resource:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Healthy checks

On Friday, I attended a memorial service for my friend, Carolyn, who passed away March 18th.  On June 7th, she would have celebrated her 41st birthday!  Yes, you are reading correctly.  While I don't know the full circumstance of her passing, another friend made mention that she had been experiencing back pain, but the true cause was of her pain was intestinal problems, which may or may not have caused her untimely death.  Additionally, he stated that a simple blood test could have revealed what was going on.  My friend made the comment, 'I need to get myself checked!  I've not been to the doctor in forever!'  That raised my eyebrows so, and I immediately went into 'mama-J' mode as my mom says.  I became so concerned for him and even lashed out at him because it doesn't make sense for him to not seek medical check ups-at minimal, annually!  He has two excellent jobs with fantastic medical benefits, so that is not an issue.

This friend I was speaking with isn't the first conversation I've had about not seeing a doctor in 'forever'!  It makes no sense to me.  I don't understand why we're not taking better care of ourselves and ultimately wait until it's too late. 

I'm sure many will know the last time the oil was checked in their car, but will not be able to remember the last medical check up they had.

I have another friend who is of age where he should be getting his prostrate checked.  His machismo attitude could lead him down a path of prostrate cancer because he doesn't want a doctor performing 'that type of check up'.  Another friend has neglected his teeth for years and has been spending many appointments getting his teeth cleaned, fillings filled, and all kinds of horrible painful things done.  Why?  Because he hasn't been to a dentist!  I have lady friend who mentioned she's not had a well-woman check up in years even when she had medical benefits.  Now she doesn't, but she could easily go to a women's clinic (planned parenthood) and pay on a sliding scale for a visit.

Living a healthy life isn't only about breathing and having fun with family and friends.  It's about loving your self enough to take care of it and get it checked least once per year. 

I bet you took your car for an oil change.