Sunday, October 31, 2010

I did in 'Just Do It'

I completed my first post 40 marathon on October 17th, the Nike Women's Marathon (NWM) . NWM is the most coveted event women want to enter each year. Why? The big sell is the Tiffany Finisher's Necklace at the end, which is handed out by a San Francisco Fireman. There were some okay looking men there, but I didn't see any brown fireman and I know SF has them. But oh well....

This was the first race I've done where I've felt really good on the course. Even in the rain! Yes, it was miserable. Yes, I was cold. Yes, I had to listen to others around me BMC (bitch, moan, complain) about the small hills and the rain. But for me, the bigger picture was why I was out there in the first place.

I walk half marathons to achieve a goal of maintaining good health, but I also remember where the fees of my race entry go. NWM is a huge fund-raising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team In Training (TNT). As a TNT alumni, I've met some great people along the way. I've heard some great stories of triumph of people surviving blood cancers and I've also heard the devastating loss of family members whose loved one didn't make it.

I know people don't forget why they're on the marathon course, but for me, this event just yelled at me why I was there!

I was there to cross the finish line of great health and to get the big hug I always receive at the end from my mom who is always waiting for me.

Here's to my 8th half marathon! What's up next???? P.F. Chang's Rock n Roll in January or the Oakland Half in March. Stay tuned everyone!

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