Sunday, November 7, 2010

AnyBODY is able to finish a marathon

I was out on my favorite trail, San Leandro Marina this past Saturday and I saw a midget running on the trail who appeared to be training for a marathon. At least, I think she was a midget who was training for a marathon. I mean...she was geared up with the water packs around her waist and I think she was sporting a TNT button, but I didn't get a clear view. I am not in anyway trying to be funny, but it got me thinking.

I hear so many people say when I tell them that I've completed marathons or am training for one, 'I could never run or walk a marathon'. I beg to differ! I usually respond with, 'I was more than 20-30 lbs heavier when I completed my first full marathon in 2004'.

As I've completed these marathons, I'm always amazed by the people I see on the course. I've seen a blind runner on the course, a man with a prosthetic leg, I've seen pregnant women on the course (varying belly sizes), and I've seen large people and petite people on the course. All with one goal in mind, to cross the finish line.

The point I'm trying to make is this. If you've got two legs (real or other) and are able to move, YOU CAN complete a marathon! You have to want to do it rather than make excuses why you can't.

I did it and so can you!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Heres to our...LEGS! :) Thank you Juvella, so inspiring. -AO
