Sunday, July 17, 2011

'I need some ME time'

I've had recent encounters with ladies who've been too busy to work out. Both responding they've been, 'too busy', 'too stressed', or 'trying to get back on track'.  I'm just as guilty of all of the listed excuses, but my response to that? Make time and get back to 'ME' time.   

I say often at work that, 'it's in your (referring to co-worker's) interest that I work out.  I feel better about myself and I'm taking care of me'.  It's also in the best interest of myself that I take care of ME.  Additionally, when you're feeling better about yourself, it's easier to care for others in your life, especially if you're a mom, spouse, or partner.  When you feel good, those around you feel good, too.  It's just great positive energy that's flowing.

When you're feeling stressed out or too busy to work out, it's probably really the best time to fit it in; even if it's 15 minutes.  That's better than zero minutes in my book.  Think about how good you will feel and how those around you will feel, if you do.

While the lyrics in Heather Headly's song, 'Me Time' refers to her needing her 'ME' time to hang with her girls and not with her man, use the lyrics to refer to yourself.  Take your 'ME' time to take care of yourself. Sit quietly for 15 minutes if you can't get that 60 minute cardio workout in.  What ever you define to be your 'ME' time, just make time for it.  You'll feel so much better if you do.    

** my disclaimer:  (She is in no way saying she' not feeling her man, she just wants to hang alone or with her girls.)    

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