Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Broken Ankle Anniversary!

Huh? Who celebrates a broken ankle?!! One year ago, today my life changed.  I wouldn't know the full scope of change for a few days.  You know how the story goes.  I have shared plenty on this blog.  But seriously, I am forever thankful to my mom and bff for being my driver and to many friends who pitched in to help, as well.

What a difference a year makes!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nike Women's Marathon: A mother/daughter tradition

Nike Name Wall

It's that time of year again.  The 3rd Sunday in October. The time of year that is reserverd for all things Nike Women's Marathon (NWM).  I've said it in a previous post,  but for many women this is the most coveted event to do!  The Tiffany Blue box at the finish is what all the ladies desire.

For mom and I? Yeah, it's about the finish prize, but for the last 10 years,  this is the one event we for sure do together.  At some point over the year's,  we established a tradition.

On the Thursday prior to the event, mom would meet me downtown.  She would be excited as all get-out. Me? Not so much. It was just another event.  We go pick up our swag at the expotique, see what other free goodies we could snag, and then look for our names on the wall of Niketown, and finally shop.  Lastly, we would wrap up at Nordstrom.  A visit to the shoe department before enjoying dinner and a cocktail at the cafe.  We would laugh, mom would continue to express her excitement about NWM, we would talk about how much money we spent, too!

This year will be my last NWM and my last 13.1 EVER!!  Mom says it will be her last NWM, too but we shall see next April when registration opens.   Our pre-NWM tradition doesn't have to end this year.  Next year, I will visit the expotique as a guest and not a participant.

Here's to 10 years of NWM!

Mom holding up '10' at expotique

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thoughts on the trail

Today, I set out to walk 10 miles as I prepare for my final 13.1.  Let me be honest.  Not a whole lot of training has happened, so I will truly be relying upon muscle memory.  Not the best strategy,  but hey...what can I do, now.  In any case, I had some random thoughts as I beat the asphalt of Isherswood and wanted to share.

Dang it's cold out here
Can't wait to warm up
KMEL is okay to listen to when their on air personalities aren't talking
There aren't a lot of people out here
It's kinda early, if I didn't have Nike next week, I'd be sleep, too
I am feeling pretty good so far
That's a big ass dog!
I am hungry and want a snack
Oh...I am going to Baldie's for breakfast
I heard 'Holy Grail' twice in an hour!
And the Drake song...and 'crooked smile'
KMEL really sucks!'s been an hour and a half. How much longer?
I am glad my ankle feels good
I need to get my mail
I hope there isn't a water main break. I would hate for the water to shoot out and push me into the dam!
There is a lot of construction happening here
I am over this walk!
Ugh! Can't wait to be done...I am hungry.

Whew! I am done!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Countdown to my final 13.1

In two weeks, I will complete my 13th and final half marathon.  It will be the 10th Nike Women's Marathon and I am glad to have been apart of such a coveted event.  With each year, the event has grown by leaps and bounds.  Because I am a legacy entrant, I take for granted that I can complete the event.  I have seen participants crushed because they could not gain entry.

I can't wait to cross the finish line on October 20th.  It will be my 1st half since the broken ankle and my last half...EVER!  Besides, with this kind of bling for 5 miles, who needs 13.1 bling!?

It's been real half marathon, but I am over you.  You can find me at a 5k, 10k, or at the finish line, celebrating the finishers!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I'm starting with the woman in the mirrior

'If you wanna make the world a better place,  take a look in the mirrior and make a change!'

Michael Jackson's 'Man in the Mirrior' is pretty appropriate for me these days.  While MJ is singing about the earth and making a difference in the world, I am referring to getting back on my fitness track.  I don't like who I am seeing in the mirrior.   I am seeing muffin top, flabbier belly, and my boobs are suffocating in their bra.  That ain't cute!

I have got to make a change! A busy work schedule can not be the reason why I don't workout.  Yes, I do work ridiculously long hours.  Yes, when I am home, I want to become one with my couch. Yes, on Saturday mornings, I want to lounge in my bed.  The change starts with the woman in the mirror and I am asking her to change her ways!

My plan:
Putting sneakers in my car.  No matter where I am, I can take a walk.
Utilizing the work!  Even if it means working out in my work clothes.  Yup, what ever works!
Make a date with myself to participate in a fitness activity (I.e Shaun T dvd, lunchtime walk).
Eat healthier-leave the candy and sweets alone!
When feeling stressed, which is often, get that fresh air.

Lastly, don't be hard on myself.
Get back on track.
Your body, mind, and spirit will love and thank you!

'Make that change!'