Monday, March 11, 2013

Impromptu Walk

Sometimes, the best walks I take are the ones that aren't planned.  With daylight savings in effect, I decided to take a walk rather then go home after a long work day.  I assure you, I could have easily taken myself home, showered, climbed into my pjs, and bed in that order!

Yet, I was so excited that I was near home and the sun was still shining at 7pm.  I knew I had to make it quick, so I hit the streets of Lake Chabot Blvd.  This is outside of Lake Chabot trail because I didn't want to be on the trail at dusk under the trees. And I wanted to work my calf muscles by going up hills.  My ankle and calf didn't appreciate the hills so much, but we made it!

Check out the view along the way!!

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