Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chips are my 'crack'!

Hello!  My name is Juvella and I am a chip-a-holic!  For real!!

I am not in any way making light of addiction as I know there are many who suffer from addictions that are far more severe than chips.

Since I've been home with time on my hands, I discovered as mentioned in an earlier post that idle eating is not good for me.  I know that I especially enjoy snacking while watching tv.  Chips or candy are my go-to snacks, but I will eat chips over candy, any day!  Like addicts, there is a 'drug' of choice and I too, have specific preferences to the chips I like to enjoy; Lays (plain) and Kettle backyard bbq. 

Oh..just writing this entry, I am thinking I could have some chips right now!!

As I continue on my path to a healthier lifestyle and weight loss, I also recognize that I have to enjoy my chips in moderation.  And for me, in order to be successful with my weight loss, I need both; eating right and physical activity.  To help me ease up on my chip intake, I've made a better effort to not pick up the chips at the grocery store, but grab healthy crunchy snacks, instead.  For example, carrots with hummus, pita crackers with string cheese or hummus, and apples.  They aren't as good as chips, but I enjoy them just the same.  And I know they are better for me. 

At my post-op appointment, I have been officially given the green light to resume my regular activity levels and I'm so excited.  Not because I can enjoy my chips, but so I can get back to losing weight.  I do have some healing to do and experience some mild pain, so I also have to continue to be kind to my body and listen when there is discomfort. 

In all seriousness, food addiction does affect many and there are resources available to help you determine if you have a food addiction and to get the help you need.  At the very minimum, engage your doctor with the discussion if you think you have a serious problem.  Let him/her guide you for help or see the below links.

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