Sunday, November 7, 2010

AnyBODY is able to finish a marathon

I was out on my favorite trail, San Leandro Marina this past Saturday and I saw a midget running on the trail who appeared to be training for a marathon. At least, I think she was a midget who was training for a marathon. I mean...she was geared up with the water packs around her waist and I think she was sporting a TNT button, but I didn't get a clear view. I am not in anyway trying to be funny, but it got me thinking.

I hear so many people say when I tell them that I've completed marathons or am training for one, 'I could never run or walk a marathon'. I beg to differ! I usually respond with, 'I was more than 20-30 lbs heavier when I completed my first full marathon in 2004'.

As I've completed these marathons, I'm always amazed by the people I see on the course. I've seen a blind runner on the course, a man with a prosthetic leg, I've seen pregnant women on the course (varying belly sizes), and I've seen large people and petite people on the course. All with one goal in mind, to cross the finish line.

The point I'm trying to make is this. If you've got two legs (real or other) and are able to move, YOU CAN complete a marathon! You have to want to do it rather than make excuses why you can't.

I did it and so can you!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I did in 'Just Do It'

I completed my first post 40 marathon on October 17th, the Nike Women's Marathon (NWM) . NWM is the most coveted event women want to enter each year. Why? The big sell is the Tiffany Finisher's Necklace at the end, which is handed out by a San Francisco Fireman. There were some okay looking men there, but I didn't see any brown fireman and I know SF has them. But oh well....

This was the first race I've done where I've felt really good on the course. Even in the rain! Yes, it was miserable. Yes, I was cold. Yes, I had to listen to others around me BMC (bitch, moan, complain) about the small hills and the rain. But for me, the bigger picture was why I was out there in the first place.

I walk half marathons to achieve a goal of maintaining good health, but I also remember where the fees of my race entry go. NWM is a huge fund-raising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team In Training (TNT). As a TNT alumni, I've met some great people along the way. I've heard some great stories of triumph of people surviving blood cancers and I've also heard the devastating loss of family members whose loved one didn't make it.

I know people don't forget why they're on the marathon course, but for me, this event just yelled at me why I was there!

I was there to cross the finish line of great health and to get the big hug I always receive at the end from my mom who is always waiting for me.

Here's to my 8th half marathon! What's up next???? P.F. Chang's Rock n Roll in January or the Oakland Half in March. Stay tuned everyone!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I finished See Jane!

I know this entry is so late in coming, but I was actually reminded to post the outcome. I was so glad to be done, I forgot that I was blogging about my experience.

I didn't run the See Jane 1/2 marathon, but I feel I met my goal of completing a half marathon by my 40th birthday, which is 8 days from today. I learned during this journey that I'm not a runner and I'm so okay with it. The most important thing I learned was to continue a level of fitness; to maintain good health.

I'm a walker, a sashay-er, a girl who will get to the finish line...eventually. I'm happy when my event is over. I'm happy when I get some good free stuff at the end of the event. I'm happy when I can take my shoes off and slip on my flip-flops. I'm most happy when I shower, take a nap, and wake up with minimal- to no soreness.

And so...I prepare to do it all again. My first 1/2 marathon after turning 40 on October 17th. I have six weeks to get it together as I've been a total slacker. I'm confident that I will get it together to cross another finish line. I'm confident that I will get it together to continue to maintain good health.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Walk it out

So....Coach mom and I had a training run...well....walk this past Saturday. We went to the Alameda Bay Trail.

I've resolved with myself that running isn't really for me, afterall. I told mom and coach mom that the last month and a half has taken it's toll and keeping up with a running schedule was a bit much for me. With work and school on my plate I didn't have the time needed to prepare to run a 1/2 marathon. I will walk my upcoming event. I am not ashamed, nor embarassed. I set out to complete a 1/2 marathon by my 40th birthday, which I will. However, I will not run it. I am okay with that and I've shared it with mom that I am okay with not running. Coach mom thinks I will run/walk as we've set out to do from the beginning.

What's been most fun about the last six months is spending a few Saturdays with my mom. We didn't always talk while on the trail, but mom was always encouraging. Sometimes, we went to the farmer's market, breakfast, or to Target after our trainings. Sometimes Saturday mornings turned into all day with a trip to the mall and lunch/early dinner. It was our time to hang out and talk when needed. She, mostly. (sorry mom, but it's true). It was a time to enjoy my mom alone.

With this last Saturday's walk at the Alameda Bay Trail, it was peaceful, calm, and enjoyable. The weather was good, we chatted a good portion of the six mile walk, but most importantly, it was a pressure free walk for both of us.

Our event is this coming Saturday, June 5th and I'm as ready as I can be. My best friend, Yvette has even caught the marathon bug and will be out there with us, too. We will be getting our race packets this week and will soon be talking about what time we will meet. I'm sure this entire week will be spent talking about this Saturday's event.

Thanks mom/coach mom for your encouragement and here's to a great run/walk this Saturday.

I Love You!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trail Kindness

Last Saturday, Coach Mom and my sister participated in the Stepping Stones run/walk for Developmentally Challenged Youth. It was a well attended event and the San Leandro Marina (SLM) was a bit more crowded than usual. I didn't participate in the event (cause I am a cheap-o), but that was my training run/walk spot for the day. I took off for my 7-mile run/walk way early than the event started as I don't really like it when the trail is super crowded.

I am run/walking, doing my thing grooving to my ipod and making some great time. I am at the 4-mile mark and I make an adjustment, but in the process, I drop my phone.

Meanwhile, I'm still run/walking along in an area I hadn't been before and it looked a little sketchy. Not in a total dangerous way, but in a way that told me to not go too far along this portion of the trail. I checked my pocket to grab my phone for the time and realized I dropped my phone. I was not up to buying a new phone this day and I was thinking about the many numbers I hadn't memorized...petty thoughts, but my thoughts, never the less. I hadn't gone too far from where I had previously dropped my phone and there weren't too many people along the trail behind me. My phone could be on the trail. I traced my steps back and back again, but to no avail.

I saw a man and a woman talking and asked if they had seen a phone along the way and neither did, but the man let me know that someone on a bike had mentioned to them that he found a phone and was going to try to the owner. I was more than excited. I asked if I could use their phone to call my phone hoping the finder would answer. Sure enough, he did! Ironically, I saw the kind man along the way, twice pedaling along!

The kind gentleman told me to finish my run/walk and to call him, on my phone, of course so I could get his address to pick up my found phone.

I was so thankful that he found my phone. He didn't make any crazy calls, called my work and left a message of a lost phone found on the SLM trail, and took a message for me!

I had many kind encounters on the trail this day. The man who mentioned the biker picking up my phone, a lady who let me use her phone, and the man who found my phone.

There are kind people out there.....I met thee kind people on the trail. Thank you all very much for being kind.....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Phenomenal Woman

I just wasn't feeling my training this weekend. I don't know what my deal was, but I gave it a shot. After about one mile into my run/walk, I let Coach Mom know that I wasn't feeling it. She suspected something was up because she asked me multiple times if I was tired as we drove to Alameda Bay Farm. Yes, I was tired because I went out the night before. But the truth of the matter, I've gone out on Friday's, before and had no problem training the next morning. I let Coach Mom know that I will do our planned course, but I would walk and run if I could. I began to walk and the sun began to emerge from the clouds. I couldn't help but notice my shadow. My mom, not Coach mom in this case, always told me that I don't walk, but I sashay. After checking my shadow walk, I couldn't help to notice that mom was right! I do sashay!

I went for a walk, today, too. Sunday's are usually a lazy/rest day for me. My schedule will be a bit off the next two weeks because I have school, so I decided to hit the pavement. I'm so glad I went out today. The weather was good, I felt good, and my feet felt good. I got some new sneaks!

I couldn't help but notice my shadow, again today. While listening to my ipod and sashaying along, I thought of Maya Angelou's poem, 'Phenomenal Woman'.

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I couldn't remember the exact verse, but I certainly was able to remember that I am a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monterey Trail....

I ran my longest run to date yesterday along the beautiful Monterey trail. I don't know the official name of the trail, but it was along the beach and sand dunes of Monterey. Oh what a view! I saw a TNT group on a training walk, cyclists, people playing beach volleyball, and folks learning how to kayak. I'm just a cruzin up the trail enjoying the view.

I felt great knowing that while I was on a get away, I still committed to myself to train for an endeavor I set out for myself in January. I was most excited to call Coach Mom to let her know what I accomplished. She was very proud of me. I was proud of me!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Runner in the making.....

Coach Mom and I took our run/walk training to Alameda Bay Farm. It was a breezy morning with a bit of haze over the bay. I kinda wished it would have rained the night before to clean the air. It would have made for an even more beautiful view while on the trail. One thing Bay Area folks take for granted, I think, are the beautiful views, landscape, and the serenity of the trails. You can live anywhere and with a 15-30 minute drive, you could find yourself at a Regional trail.
In addition to increasing mileage, Coach Mom is changing my run/walk ratio from 2:1 to 4:1, which is pretty huge....for me! This means I'm running longer than I am walking. I'm very excited about my progress as it's been very slow, but steady. I will alter my run/walk ratio based on when I'm tired, admittedly, but for the most part, I stick to Coach Mom's signals. Who knows...perhaps I am on my way to becoming a full-blown runner....for now, I'm a runner in the making!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Seeing my people....

I've recently noticed something new as I've been out on the trail or at least the San Leandro Marina (SLM). I'm seeing a lot of my people, my cousins, AKA Black people! For the longest time, I wouldn't see a lot of my people out on the trail, but lately, I'm seeing Black people out in droves. That makes my heart smile and for good reason. We have a history of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol among other diseases. I like seeing that so many of us are taking control of our health. We are walking at what ever pace our body will carry us and that is a great thing! As the weather warms up and the day light is longer, I hope to see many more of us out on the trail. Here's to movin what our mama's gave us!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Change of Venue

Training is going well, thus far. I'm doing more running than walking these days and I must say, I'm very proud of myself. The last few run/walk sessions were at the San Leandro Marina (SLM). While I love SLM, it is becoming a bit too crowded for me. Even at 7:30am! Mostly because I am noticing quite a few training teams getting ready for the Oakland Marathon, which is March 28th and for events in June (Rock n Roll). I've seen Team In Training, SF Aids Foundation, and a Gay & Lesbian Oakland run team. So, needless to say, the trail is crowded! Time to change my venue, for now.

This past Saturday, coach mom and I went to Lake Chabot. I've not been out there in a while. I forgot about the rolling hills out there, but it was a good change of pace and a great way to step up my training game.

With daylight savings, my hope is to train after work and get some lunch time walks in, too. I want to fully run this 1/2 marathon, not run/walk it. I mean, I know the most important thing is to finish. Well, I have no doubt that I will finish, but I want to I want to join the club. The runners club!

Wish me luck on the trail.....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Time to get movin!

So, I'm getting back on the training trail tomorrowe after a week of recovery from minor surgery. Coach Mom is definately ready to get me into full training mode, that's for sure. We'll be hitting San Leandro Marina for about 4-5 miles I would imagine. And truth be told, I'm ready, too.

I'm participating in the Lenten Season for the first time in years and have decided, with the help of my mom, bff, and sisters to give up sweets, french fries, and cut back on the drinking. I'll be drinking one day during the weekend if the mood strikes rather than when I want to. Shampagne/Sangria Sundays will have to be well planned so I don't booze it up on Friday or Saturday. I can't miss SS with my girls!

Anyway, the point of my comment above was to say that I hope with what I've given up for Lent and training in full gear I will shed a few L-B's. You know, pounds! My grammer school friend, Mack had the funniest post on his Facebook, today.

He said, 'I'm off 2 tha gym!!! FYI,,, I gott a gang of muscles up under all this fat....jus gotta wake em up ya dig'.

Is that not the funniest comment, ever?!

I mean, it's really time to bring sexier back! I am going to do just that!

See ya on the trail...the ones Coach Mom decides!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In Memorium....

Today was a day of grieving for my dearest friends, Eugene & Phyllis Durr. Eugene buried his mom today, who departed this earth on January 15th at 82 years old. During the service, my heart was still heavy from the loss of my best friend, Yvette's mom, who passed away last March. My heart was also heavy with the pain of all of my other friends who lost their mom in 2009.

During the service, I really thought about how lucky I am to still have my mom. I don't want to know the pain my friends are experiencing after losing their mom. My guess is that the pain of losing your mom never goes away, but that you find new ways of coping with her physical being not being present.

And so, this Saturday, January 30th, I will be running/walking for my friends who lost their moms. Without their moms, I wouldn't have the great friends that I have, today.

Georgia Kirvin-my bff, Yvette's mom
Mama Durr-mother & mother-in-law to Eugene & Phyllis Durr
Mrs. Toussaint-mom to childhood friends, Vicky & Veronica
Shandra's mom
Jason's mom

Thank you moms for having such wonderful children and watch over me this Saturday and always.


Monday, January 25, 2010

I need a watch!

It has been raining like crazy this last week, including Saturday. The funny thing, though...once we decided we would still run, the rain stopped. It was magical. I'm glad it did, but it was still hella cold out! I knew once I got going, I would warm up and would be unzipping my coat and removing my gloves. Renee stayed home because she was fighting a cold, so it was just me, coach mom, and my sister, Sharla who is training for a walk (5k, I think) in March. I let her know that if she wanted to run ahead, it was fine with me. I think I just like the solitude of being out in nature's beauty, but coach mom wasn't having it! She's very proud to have not let any of her mentee's run/train alone. Coach mom did run ahead of me and we utilized our system of arm up to run/arm up to walk. I got a bit confused with our signals because coach mom had her ipod on. While she was running, she was really grooving to the music and her arms were going all kinds a crazy! I had to remind mom that we have a system and she must be conscious of her arms. LOL!

Anyway....while out on the trail, we're just running and grooving (cuz I had on my ipod, too) I just stopped...because I was tired. Coach turned around to notice I was walking and said with a sheepish grin, 'you were running for three minutes!' I just laughed at her and said, 'what? you're cheating me with my time?! I need to get my OWN watch to keep time!' All was good though because I was jammin to Mary J. Blige & U2 'One'. I was singing so loudly and was really into it! Maybe that's my power song and not the BEPs 'Boom-Boom Pow'. In hindsight, I found that when I was into a jammin song, I was running like crazy vs when the songs were just okay. I need to create some play lists on my ipod so all of my power songs are ready to go.

I still need a new watch, though!

Monday, January 18, 2010

To run or not to run.....

So...I hit the trail for another run/walk session on the 16th and I must say, to run or not to run is a great question! I found that I did a lot of walking this weekend, but in the process, asked myself why am I out here. I've not fully answered the question, but I think deep down, I know the answer. I can say that I was thinking about a lot while I was out on the San Leandro Marina Trail. Coach Mom and I came up with a system because she was running with Renee. They were still in my eye sight, so I told coach mom to raise her hand and I would walk, when I see the raised hand, again, I knew it was time to run. Coach mom had me on a 2:1 ratio. Here are a few of my thoughts:
  • I have to get contacts so my glasses will not fog up
  • As I ran past a house on the trail, I smelled bacon! I wanted to run to the house and knock on the door to ask for some!
  • I had to use the restroom and was trying to figure out if there were enough bushes to hide me (I waited until I got home, by the way)
  • I was wishing coach mom wouldn't see me so I could walk longer
  • I couldn't wait to be done
  • I was glad i finished strong

This week with the weather being so wet, coach mom had to improvise with the game plan. We did floor work in our living room while listening to the music channel. We heard some old skool tunes on that channel (i.e. Fat Boys, Pharcyde, Boyz to Men, and the like). We also had some great laughs as we were listening to the lyrics!

Overall, as I still ponder the question to run or not to run, I am really having a great time with my mom and Renee. I know that I am only two weeks into this experience. I know I am learning my body in a different way. And I know I will dig deep to discover the answer why I am running.

Monday, January 11, 2010

How it all began....

So, this is how my marathon plan began.....I sent my mom an email on December 3, 2009. Prior to that, I had been speaking to a friend about this goal, but hadn't talked about with others at that point. I finally let my mom know what was up....

Hi Ma,

I've been thinking about this for sometime and have just begun to verbalize what it is I want to do. You may have even heard me casually mention it, but I'm not really sure. I'm seriously thinking about RUNNING, not walking a 1/2 marathon by my 40th birthday. Don't get terribly excited, yet as I'm still talking myself into it. By telling you, I'm almost to the full commitment stage of preparing for this event. What woman better to help me cross the finish line?? Um, that would be you!

Your credentials:

  • inspired to run

  • ability to maintain excitement

  • ability to motivate others

  • multi-marathon finisher, including, NY Marathon, Chicago Marathon, Big Sur, San Diego Rock n Roll, San Jose Rock n Roll, and countless other events that I can't even name

  • trained and mentored others to the finish line

  • committed

  • you're my mom!

So, perhaps, we can have a casual conversation about what it takes to be a marathon runner.

Some topics I'd like to cover are:

how one prepares to run with a big butt, how to get over the fear of running, and what ever else, I'm missing. Renee even mentioned that she would run, too!

Thank you in advance for being my mentor, coach, and most of all, mom.

I love you lots,


Sunday, January 10, 2010

1st Day of Training

Saturday was my first day of training to run my 1st 1/2 marathon. Renee is training, too. I had a good time and mom wasn't too hard on us. She did ask me how I was doing, a lot. At some point, it was really starting to annoy, but I had to remember that that is what coaches do. They want to make sure your form is correct to avoid injuries, keep you motivated, and because they care. Once I resolved that is what mom was doing, I was no longer annoyed. At the end, I finished strong, and mom was there to cheer and high-five us.