Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Commitment To Self

Prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday, I reached out to a few fitness friends because I was in need of an intervention.  I had been struggling with exercising and admitted out loud that I am in fact, a stress eater.  Things at work have been increasingly stressful and the nights in the office were getting longer and longer.  Thus, making it extremely difficult to exercise.  I've always said to myself that I feel so much better when I am working out and taking care of me, yet I hadn't been.

With the help of my fitness friends, I joined a 17- day re-energizing challenge which began November 11th - November 27th and included early morning bootcamp classes.  I also signed up for Saturday HIIT classes, also in the early mornings.  I was excited about both and even took a tip from my bff's book, by marking my calendar for each day I exercised. 

At the end of the 17-day challenge, I must admit, I was quite proud of me!  I had a calendar filled with exercise marks.  The visual was a great reminder that even in the midst of a busy day at work, I managed to commit to myself the time needed for fitness activities.

My 17-day fitness calendar
Thanksgiving has come and gone.  And another challenge began, November 30th.  This is with a Facebook group, 30 days of workouts for 30 minutes.  Many of my friends on Facebook belong to a gym, The Inner Athlete and I saw the trainers message to the ladies and decided to join in.  When I commented on a post, I was immediately added to the group and the challenge began!.  Let me just say, I thought the 17-day challenge was tough.  Hmph!  This 30 days for 30 minutes is tough, too!  Again, when working long hours, the last thing I want to do is workout.  My bed sounds so much better! 

With the start of the holiday season, I am glad that I consciously and subconsciously made the commitment to myself to stay active.  My goal with all of this is to maintain my current weight and comfortability in my clothes.  If shed a few pounds and/or move a bit of them around, I will not be mad!

Off to get my Day 11 of 30 in!!          

Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Broken Ankle Anniversary!

Huh? Who celebrates a broken ankle? Um...me!! One year ago, today my life changed.  I wouldn't know the full scope of change for a few days.  You know how the story goes.  I have shared plenty on this blog.  But seriously, I am forever thankful to my mom and bff for being my driver and to many friends who pitched in to help, as well.

What a difference a year makes!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nike Women's Marathon: A mother/daughter tradition

Nike Name Wall

It's that time of year again.  The 3rd Sunday in October. The time of year that is reserverd for all things Nike Women's Marathon (NWM).  I've said it in a previous post,  but for many women this is the most coveted event to do!  The Tiffany Blue box at the finish is what all the ladies desire.

For mom and I? Yeah, it's about the finish prize, but for the last 10 years,  this is the one event we for sure do together.  At some point over the year's,  we established a tradition.

On the Thursday prior to the event, mom would meet me downtown.  She would be excited as all get-out. Me? Not so much. It was just another event.  We go pick up our swag at the expotique, see what other free goodies we could snag, and then look for our names on the wall of Niketown, and finally shop.  Lastly, we would wrap up at Nordstrom.  A visit to the shoe department before enjoying dinner and a cocktail at the cafe.  We would laugh, mom would continue to express her excitement about NWM, we would talk about how much money we spent, too!

This year will be my last NWM and my last 13.1 EVER!!  Mom says it will be her last NWM, too but we shall see next April when registration opens.   Our pre-NWM tradition doesn't have to end this year.  Next year, I will visit the expotique as a guest and not a participant.

Here's to 10 years of NWM!

Mom holding up '10' at expotique

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thoughts on the trail

Today, I set out to walk 10 miles as I prepare for my final 13.1.  Let me be honest.  Not a whole lot of training has happened, so I will truly be relying upon muscle memory.  Not the best strategy,  but hey...what can I do, now.  In any case, I had some random thoughts as I beat the asphalt of Isherswood and wanted to share.

Dang it's cold out here
Can't wait to warm up
KMEL is okay to listen to when their on air personalities aren't talking
There aren't a lot of people out here
It's kinda early, if I didn't have Nike next week, I'd be sleep, too
I am feeling pretty good so far
That's a big ass dog!
I am hungry and want a snack
Oh...I am going to Baldie's for breakfast
I heard 'Holy Grail' twice in an hour!
And the Drake song...and 'crooked smile'
KMEL really sucks!
Ohkay...it's been an hour and a half. How much longer?
I am glad my ankle feels good
I need to get my mail
I hope there isn't a water main break. I would hate for the water to shoot out and push me into the dam!
There is a lot of construction happening here
I am over this walk!
Ugh! Can't wait to be done...I am hungry.

Whew! I am done!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Countdown to my final 13.1

In two weeks, I will complete my 13th and final half marathon.  It will be the 10th Nike Women's Marathon and I am glad to have been apart of such a coveted event.  With each year, the event has grown by leaps and bounds.  Because I am a legacy entrant, I take for granted that I can complete the event.  I have seen participants crushed because they could not gain entry.

I can't wait to cross the finish line on October 20th.  It will be my 1st half since the broken ankle and my last half...EVER!  Besides, with this kind of bling for 5 miles, who needs 13.1 bling!?

It's been real half marathon, but I am over you.  You can find me at a 5k, 10k, or at the finish line, celebrating the finishers!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I'm starting with the woman in the mirrior

'If you wanna make the world a better place,  take a look in the mirrior and make a change!'

Michael Jackson's 'Man in the Mirrior' is pretty appropriate for me these days.  While MJ is singing about the earth and making a difference in the world, I am referring to getting back on my fitness track.  I don't like who I am seeing in the mirrior.   I am seeing muffin top, flabbier belly, and my boobs are suffocating in their bra.  That ain't cute!

I have got to make a change! A busy work schedule can not be the reason why I don't workout.  Yes, I do work ridiculously long hours.  Yes, when I am home, I want to become one with my couch. Yes, on Saturday mornings, I want to lounge in my bed.  The change starts with the woman in the mirror and I am asking her to change her ways!

My plan:
Putting sneakers in my car.  No matter where I am, I can take a walk.
Utilizing the gym...at work!  Even if it means working out in my work clothes.  Yup, what ever works!
Make a date with myself to participate in a fitness activity (I.e Shaun T dvd, lunchtime walk).
Eat healthier-leave the candy and sweets alone!
When feeling stressed, which is often, get that fresh air.

Lastly, don't be hard on myself.
Get back on track.
Your body, mind, and spirit will love and thank you!

'Make that change!'

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Birthday Memories

This year, I enjoyed a birthday staycation celebration.   I spent some time with and had fun with some of my favorite people.  Take a look!!

I Enjoyed a ferry ride to Tiburon with my mom, Livermore Valley Wine tasting with my bff, lunch date with two adorable boys and their moms, and a sunset bay cruise with a handsome man.  Lastly, i enjoyed a home-cooked meal prepared by my sister-in-law and my niece and nephew made me a delicious cake. Helped me blow out the candles, too.

The bay area has a lots of things to do.  I highly encourage being a tourist in our beautiful city.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Thank you God for another year! I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people you have placed in my life.  This new year is being spent with those I absolutely love the most!  I am so excited to share my special day with them all.

Here's to an amazing year!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Fun and Beauty in Santa Rosa

The Santa Rosa Marathon and 5k will be on the annual events list, for sure! And here are some of the reasons why:

  • DeLoach vineyards is the pick up spot!  
  • Good wine
  • Sunflowers
  • Hot air balloons

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Being Healthy is a Family Affair

This past weekend, I participated in the Santa Rosa Marathon, Half-Marathon and 5k.  I walked the 5k, while mom and sis completed the half marathon.  It was a fantastic event and the weather was perfect!  I've noticed over the years that more and more events are becoming 'family friendly' by offering the 5k, kids run/walks, or stroller runs. 

As I stolled through downtown, Santa Rosa was no exception to the number of families participating in the event.  It made my heart smile given the recent studies stating how obese our nations children are, various states and schools proposing banning sodas in schools, etc.  It also got me thinking. 

Healthy living and lifestyles begin at home!  Parents should encourage their children to participate in some sort of physical activity.  In addition, parents should provide and prepare healthy eats at home and for their lunch.  I get it, parents are busy with work, etc.  But I say, make the time to provide a healthy lifestyle and what better way to spend time with your family than on an active outting.

Check out some families I encountered at the Santa Rosa 5k.


Snoppy met me at the finish!

Friday, August 9, 2013

One year ago, today...

A decision that I prayed about for 5 years or so happened.  I can say what a difference a year makes.  You see, I evicted my uterus this day in 2012.  In fact, about this time I was being wheeled out of recovery to my room with my mom, friend, and now her man waiting for me.  I asked for my phone and had loving text messages and verbal messages from many who called my mom.  Mom let me know that between my sister and bff there were probably 1000 phone calls.  They were definitely my first calls.  I also got a call from another friend who prayed for me on the spot as I failed to tell her about my surgery.  By the way...talking on the phone whiled heavly medicated is not a good idea.  I' m just sayin

This operation was truly a quality of life experience for the better.  I feel as if my moods are pretty even, I don't feel tired or lethargic much, and I no longer endure headaches or cramps.  The best part...no more wearing of diaper sized pads!

I couldn't be more happier about this decision and can't wait to share the news with Dr.  Jacoby when I see her next month.  I have a feeling she might ask me to see a regular gyno doc since my uterus is no longer 'special'.  I insisted on seeing her one year post-op.  I thank God daily for putting this decision in my heart when He knew I was ready to receive it.    And I thank God for my amazing family and friends who cared and checked on me.

I am one Blessed lady!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Breaking up is hard to do

My days of physical therapy has come to an end. I was sad about this. In fact, I was pretty heart broken.  The thought of not seeing my pt team brought tears to my eyes.  Nicole, my physical therapist let me down easy.  She said it was definitely me.  I made great progress and I no longer need her.  Despite my wanting to remain in her life because my insurance plan will cover additional visits, she was firm with her decision that I didn't need her.  She didn't completely cut me off.  She said if I needed a 'tune-up', she would be more than happy to see me.  That made me feel better about the whole break up.  I will no longer see her twice a week, but on as needed basis.  And so... I said my see you later to Nicole and staff of Physio Therapy Associates.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Inspiring others

When I take my walks, I typically post them on Facebook using Nike id or map my walk apps.  My friends have the opportunity to 'like' my status or leave comments, which they lovingly do.  It feels great knowing your friends are supporting my fitness activities.

After a long day of fun in the sun, I got a Facebook message that made my day even better. This is the message:

'Hi Juvella , How you doing ? I wanted to let you know that you Inspired me to start walking . I saw your post on fb and thought boy I should be doing that to . I've got some lbs to lose . So now I'm doing map my walk . It's great I love it . I just started this week . So thanks . Take care'

I had no idea that my walk post would inspire someone to get walking themselves.  But it sure made me feel glad that I did!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

For me, Independence Day is not only about saying Happy  Birthday to America, firing up the grill, and spending time with family and friends.

  It's about being able to stand on my own two feet!

I went skating fir the first time since March 2012 and I had a blast.  I was a little scared at first, but the fear didn't last long at all.  And what a workout, too!  I had a blast out there.  I gradually stopped skating next to the wall with more confidence.  What a good day!

Have a Happy Independence Day!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Healthy Checks: Overdue!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! No, not the holidays, but for my check ups.  Only, I am way overdue with my appointments.  Admittedly, I have been so filled with ankle appointments, that I am simply over making the time and taking the time off of work to go.  I know I need my eyes checked.  I am pretty sure there have been changes in my vision.  I am way past my annual 'lady-girl' check, and I think I am nearing my annual physical appointment.  It is imperative that I see my internist to get the lump on my thyroid checked. It might just be my imagination, but it looks as if that lump has changed in size.  Thankfully, my boobs don't have to be mashed until October, so I am not overdue with this appointment.

My plan:  make my appointments! I may even take the day off to do so.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Today was the day I caught up with many of my guy friends, who are also father's.  It was great to hear what they had planned for the day.  Many of them worked.  I reached out to my dad, today.  We don't talk often, but I wanted him to know he was thought of today.  I know he was happy to hear from me.

To all the dads near and far, Happy  Father's Day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

A conversation with my mom about Mother's Day.

me: mom, what do want to do for Mother's Day?
mom: oh, I don't know. We can do the C.O.P.S. run, I will see my grand-angels, and Rockwall  Winery for Mother Trucker.
me: okay, that sounds good and easy.

So mom got exactly what she wanted and had a great time!

Happy Mother's Day, mom.  I love you!

For information about C.O.PS., visit www.nationalcops.org

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Divas = Mission Accomplished!

Today, I completed my 2nd post-op 5k, Divas.  It was another accomplishment I was happy to complete, but this one came with so much more.  This event was an official BGR event.  I had the opportunity to meet and chat with many BGR sisters this weekend from my local group and beyond.  The ladies are so encouraging and inspiring.  It really was a feeling I can't really articulate.  But just know it was good!

I was glad that I saw my bff at the finish and my mom, too!

I learned something new in over hearing a conversation mom was having with the ladies of Sacramento BGR; this was her 34th half marathon finish.  It is because of mom that I became a marathon girl.  She really is inspiring, encouraging, and full of love when talking about running and training.  I hear often how much the ladies love momma-Sandra.  All I can do is nod in agreement.  So thank you, mom for inspiring me to do marathons and always being there at the finish!  And for being Queen Diva #1!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Celebrating me: Aloha style photos

I had a  great time on my solo adventure.  Check out some of my photo moments.

1st stop, Shore Bird!

Mai Tai Special

Day time ride, Mai Tai Catamaran


Giving a `shaka`

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Celebrating me: Aloha style!

1st day Iin Hawaii with the iconic Diamond Head

A few months ago, I decided it was time for me to plan a get away.  I needed something to look forward to because until that point in time, I felt the only things I had to look forward to were doctors appointments and physical therapy.  Let me tell you, that is not exciting, at all!

I was feeling guilty about requesting time off from work because schedule accommodations were already being made on my behalf.  I knew in order to move forward with a get away plan, I needed to make my request.  Once I got management approval for PTO, the planning began!!

I knew my trip would be a solo one, so I selected a location I felt comfortable.  Hawaii won and in two days, I was scheduled to go to Hawaii.  As it would turn out, my trip would be the six month anniversary of my broken ankle.  Subconsciously, this trip has become another celebration of getting back to `normal`.

I have been having a blast, thus far.  I have made some discoveries that I haven't thought of until now, but I am working through them.  For example, I can't walk in sandals for extended periods of time.  I had to buy comfy sandals and they have become my new bffs!  Walking on sand is tricky because the slightest tweaks causes some discomfort.  But walking on the sand where the water can hit my feet feels even better.  I have to be okay to sit and take a rest, again because I am not in shoes that provide the most support (sneakers).

At the end of the day, I am smiling, a lot because of what I have been able to overcome. And because I am thinking of those who have helped me along the way.

I am eternally grateful.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Walk with a purpose

I am still saddened by the events that occurred in Boston.  I am angry and in disbelief.   What angers me most is the fact that whom ever did this senseless act had no regard for life, nor the hard work that goes into training for a marathon. 26.2 miles is far! Google a location you frequent to see how far it is.  Now imagine running or walking there.  For me, from my moms house in San Leandro to my alma mater, SFSU is 26.2 miles.

When I began training for my first full marathon, I couldn't imagine walking that far. But once training begins, you can imagine doing it.  But it is not easy! Marathon training is like having a 2nd job.  It consumes your life.  It's all you do for 3-4 months.

And to think someone thought more to cause harm to many; kill 3, to date without considering how hard people work to train for a marathon? I am angry.  I feel horrible that many did not cross the finish line. Hug their loved one who waited with open arms.  Fall to their knees once over the finish line.  Throw their hands up to God with elation. Cry. Puke. Smile big across the finish line.

And the big prize for crossing the finish line, getting that medal draped around their neck.  Three will never experience crossing a finish line. More than 100 will have to work harder then ever to cross the finish line.

At the beginning of the work week, I had already planned to walk after work Monday and today.  I didn't walk Monday because I worked too late.  But today, I made sure to hit the pavement.

I wanted to walk for those who couldn't finish.  I wanted the people who trained for the Boston Marathon know that their training didn't go unnoticed.

Today, I walked with a purpose.  2.62 miles.  For the victims and particpants of the Boston Marathon.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Temporary Disabled Girls Accessories- 'Ankle'-notes

A few months back, I shared all the tools that have helped me get around as I recovered from my ankle injury.  The boot is in the corner, my crutches are in the garage, I have no idea where my ankle brace is, and my shower chair is still in the shower.  Occassionally, I use it because I am tired and being lazy. But mainly because it's still in my shower.  I am looking for a loving home for it.

But the accessory I love the most?  Ummm...that would be my temporary disabled placard. That red plastic mirror hanger is awesome! I get to park in the front row at most establishments and park in the city at meters for free.  Lucky for me, I will get an extension as it is set to expire in May!  Thanks Dr. Lundy!

I love you!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Next Up...Divas!

So,  I am coming off of my 5k high and looking forward to my next event.  I kinda surprised myself when I decided to register for the Divas 5k on Cinco de Mayo!  I hadn't made my post-op return, yet.

This Diva will be ready!  The best part, I peeped the medal and it is pretty.  See you on the trail.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Meet my 'Silverfox'

Earlier this month, I had what I thought was my final appointment with Dr. Lundy a.k.a. 'Silver Fox'.  I went to the appointment with mixed feelings; sadness and happy at the same time. Happy that my ankle is well enough to not have to see him, yet sad that I will no longer see Dr. Lundy and his staff, Lana and Janice.

Despite how we met, I am so thankful we met. He is funny, complimentary, and easy on the eyes.  But most of all, he supported my plan to complete a 5k five months post-op.  I can't wait to share my news that I did it. Not that he doubted me, because I was very clear of my intention to do it.  Besides, he said I didn't have a 'game ending injury'.

I see Dr. Lundy in May.  I am pretty sure that will be my last appoinment.  I am also pretty sure I will shed a few happy-sad tears.

Thank you Dr. Lundy, Lana, and Janice for the kindness, care, and comfort you provided during my recovery.

Meet my Silver Fox, Dr Lundy

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Basking in the LOVE...

Completing the 2013 Oakland Running Festival 5k was the most fun event I have attended.  Well, Bay 2 Breakers is always a good time!

There was such a magnetic feeling in the air from my mom and sister being excited that I was making my post-broken ankle debut to the many ladies of Black Girls Run! Bay Area and Sacramento, and to my big sis walking with me.  Honestly, I can't really describe the feeling. But know this...it felt GOOD!! And I truly felt the LOVE from all.

Check out some of the pics that made this day FUN!!

What a beautiful start to the day

BGR! Ladies Preserving the Sexy!

The 'Recovery' Crew!

Dancing across the finish line

Ice and elevation